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Elust monthly collection of sex blog posts. Escorts welcome.


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I recently bought Elust. It's a monthly collection of blog posts about sex. Everyone who contributes a post, reposts the entire edition for that month. Escorts are welcome. If you have your own personal website with a blog page, please contribute a post. Blog posts need to be something you already published on your own blog less than a month ago and have something to do with sex. The last few editions have had about 10 contributors per edition and they average about 5000 views per month. They all repost the edition their post features in so if you have a post in an Elust monthly edition, that's about 50,000 people who could see the link to your ad from all the reposts. They won't all be looking for escorts but more clicks to your site is a good thing and search engines like seeing your site linked to by other related websites so it will be good for your site's search ranking. And it's free.

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