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Sex Worker's Open University (SWOU) Event - Saturday 16th


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Copy of an email from the SWOU about an upcoming social event and meeting in London on Saturday 16th. All welcome.


hello everyone,

Sex Worker Open university is inviting you to attend our next social event and meeting on Saturday 16th of February in East London. (details to be sent privately after simple verification as we aim to keep our social events and meeting a safe and confidential space for sex workers). Social event will be from 11 am til 1.30 pm and our Organising Meeting between 2 pm and 5 pm.

After years of working as a collective, we are now becoming a Workers' Cooperative and will be organising more events for the sex worker community as well as lobbying and advocating for sex workers' rights.

As well as preparing a week long sex worker's rights festival in Glasgow in April (more details to be announced soon on Saafe), we are working with Sexpression, a network of students and sex educators, to offer workshops in 15 Universities in the UK on "Sex Work, Stigma and Criminalisation". We are currently editing a documentary about the Sex Worker Freedom Festival that took place in Kolkata, India, last summer and working on a Resource section for our new website (coming soon!) that will include videos, briefing papers, summaries of academic work and more!!

We are busy and we love it, and we would love you to get involved! We do not have paid positions, but welcome SWOUbies to join us for our social events or to collaborate with us on our diverse projects!

For more information, visit our website www.sexworkeropenuniversity.com

Or email us at contact.swou@gmail.com or london.swou@gmail.com


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