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Best escort sites?


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Hi everyone

I'm josh, I am new to the scene in London. What are the best websites for escorts to get work?

Is escortguys the main one?


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Escortguys is a bit of a joke. I never got anything from my 20 pound ad, but my site must have got some search traffic as a result, because in the two years since, they have continued to display my ad and my working name free of charge with just the phone number removed and the words "currently unavailable" on the index page. I emailed them and found out it would be £200 upfront to join the agency where they take calls from GayTimes etc, and this was allegedly refundable.

Their web admin also stole traffic from my site and gave me a load of bullshit when they refused to return any traffic.

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Hija and welcome to our forum- do hope you will find this useful and remember to use the very useful search option - IF you get a contact number & you want to check if any reports made here enter with no spaces and ANY threads linked will be displayed - and take your time to search there is loads of useful advice etc - also if you have any bad experiences please share them here – try to give as much detail as you can about the shite ie profile name ( ie via gaydar ) contact number, address, and if you have profile pics its easy to post them here via ‘insert check out: [thread=125]Websites where you can advertise & other ideas[/thread]


Also if you wish to search any topic – most have been covered! – just type in a key word in the search box ie ‘rates’ that will find any post about what rates are charged.

xxx Michael – Moderator.

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