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Harrasment by an ex client


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Ok this is a very long story I don't want to provide the clients name or profiles as many escorts in London may know of him or have contact with him.

Basically last year I had a regular overnight client that I met several times a week until he fell in love / got fixated with me and started medalling in my personal life and relationships since stopping meeting him he as continued to harass me online / told many tails and lies to other escorts in London and damaged my image and reputation with some clients (if this sounds like something you have come across then please do respond)

It as now got to the stage where I am seriously considering involving the police and would welcome advice off others of what to do in this situation

I have responded to one email today for the first time in many months stating if he continues the police will be involved. The main issue is he also as some personal data of mine such as where relatives live, he Is also blocked from calling or messaging my mobile.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Danny,

I've moved your post out of the Bad Client forum as that section is for giving identifiable warnings, not for getting advice.


It seems to me you have a clear case of a stalker on your hands. If reasonable requests for him to stop go ignored, you have two options as far as I can tell:


  1. Completely ignore him. I've found people usually get bored if you ignore them long enough. This may not be the best option if you're worried about him outing you to your family.
  2. Go to the police. Speak to your LGBT liaison officer for advice about the process. Depending on how severe your ex client's behaviour is, the police may have an informal chat with him or they may formally warn him to stop contacting you. Either way, if he fails to stop the police can take further action to force him.

If you can get hold of an understanding officer, dealing with the police should be fine. They're usually a good bunch in my experience and it is their job to protect you.

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