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Project Zero


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Project Zero


The escorting industry is full of people lying on their profiles and giving the industry a bad name. There needs to be a revolution against this and make the escorting scene more professional, Project Zero is the solution. Bare with me and read this full post and I hope it pikes your interested and want to be part of the future of the escorting world where Escorts run sites for Escorts not corporations wanting to make a quick buck.


What is Project Zero?


It will be a modern well designed website where escorts can advertise their services via a website that they can design and customise themselves. They will not need special coding knowledge. The whole process of getting everything setup will be easy for the escort and they will be guided through each step. To do this we will have videos, extra documentation, tips & tricks as well as live support that is active everyday.


This is to help and give escorts the resources to make themselves look more professional and approachable to clients. A lot of escorts have no idea what they are doing and with the help of experienced escorts we can make this industry more inviting and safe for us all.


Escorts will not have limits on how many pictures they can have on their profile/website or have to pay to show their contact numbers or email address. They can sign up for free and will never have to pay if they don’t want to. There will be extra paid services, although these will always be optional and not hinder the experience on the website. (More information on this later in this post)


Before I delve deeper into the concept


I am looking to have an advisory board consisting of both escorts and clients. It will be a website for escorts run by escorts to shape and bring about a safe more secure environment for everyone. The type of people we want on the board are escorts that are passionate about the business and want to make a difference.


I invite any escorts on this forum interest to fill out the survey which I will link to at the end of this post and you can state your interest in joining the advisory board at the end of the survey.

As for the client side of the Advisory board, this is being put on hold until we have a good selection of Escorts on the advisory board. We are not looking for anymore than 10 escorts on the board. The escorts that join the advisory board will be invited to invite one of their best clients each onto the board to create an experience that is amazing for both escorts and clients.


Escort Accreditation - Kite Mark


We believe that there should be an accreditation where escorts that meet certain criteria and show that they care about the industry are recognised above and beyond escorts that are not serious about their profession and the business in general.


The actual criteria for this has not been decided upon yet and may be an official accreditation board setup to deal with this, if the idea makes it to the final cut. That is why we want an Advisory board. We want this to be the best and most modern escorting website out their.


Working together with other organisations and people


We hope to build working relationships with other organisations like UglyMugs to further improve safety for escorts. Having relationships with top photographers recommended by other escorts to promote a more professional looking industry. There is plans to do a lot more than just this, but some information has to be kept secret and will only be disclosed to the people on the Advisory Board. We also will be supporting The Good Escort forum and certainly have no intentions to detract attention from this forum.


Non-Profit and Transparency


We are not looking to create a company that is just out to make a quick buck. All revenue generated will be re-invested back into the website to cover the costs of infrastructure such as servers and maintenance costs as well as the continuous development on the website.


Final Thoughts


Although a lot has been covered in this overview it just touches the surface of what we have planned for Project Zero. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on this and would love for you to fill out our survey to help shape the future of escorting.




Project Zero is a placeholder name until a final name has been chosen by the advisory board. Please feel free to ask any questions or get in contact with me privately.


The Project Zero Team


I fully support this brilliant initiative and have completed the survey.


If they can pull this off with the help of escorts that this could be quite something.


We know there are so many sites, some are poorly designed, some are run by people that have no idea about the industry, others pay a token gesture to us GUYS bolting us on to HETRO sites in a corner. 


Some are well designed but have few visits - NONE have ALL the elements ( some are unique ) discussed in the survey, and I have already offered an idea that would help make the site even more unique - in the world.


PLEASE SUPPORT  - That YOU are a member of this 'forum' demonstrates that you care, so don't be a mere voyeur escort and just wait for it to happen.


Hi Michael,


Thanks for the support! We really want to engage as much escorts as possible in this to make it the best experience possible. If anyone is friends with an escort pass on the link to the survey and we can get even more people involved. We accept responses from anyone Male, Female, TV, TS, etc


Hi Dylan,


It's a nice idea and one that's been suggested before. I particularly like the idea of escort accreditation, which would help clients sort the wheat from the chaff.


In my experience, free ads attract the worst kind of escorts. Working on the free model, you'll need some other method to identify the good escorts and remove the poor and out of date listings that the free model will generate.


Creating and maintaining a website with the features you require is both time consuming and expensive. If you plan to operate as a non-profit, you should consider what long-term motivation there will be for yourself and others to keep the website up and running - it will be a lot of work.


Best wishes


Hi Ben,


Noting your concerns there is nothing to be concerned about the running and maintenance of the website the development is being handled by my husband, whom has been an escort for the past three years and also a web developer since he was 10. The creation of the website will be easy for him to get done in the next few months. Also funding has been secured to run the website which is not a problem either, the person funding the website wishes to remain anonymous due to the nature of the website but the website will become completely self sufficient and as for the out of date problem will be fixed and maintained. Escorts will get a notification at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks if they have not logged into the website. On the third email the account is frozen and no longer viewable until it has been updated and renewed.


There will also be some features in which the site can generate passive revenue without having to charge the escort to help keep it free in some ways. There is a complete business plan etc and we will get it done. I would really appreciate it if you filled out the survey to get some more input to help us in shaping the final product but I promise you it will not disappoint and will be different from what currently exists out there.


I always thought that what is effectively a web-ring of highly active members here would work well as a way of maximizing leads that were excess or unsuitable for male escorts. I set that up on my website, but it still relies upon my knowledge and no one else.


Your problem with accreditation is - who decides? This is a customer-facing business and the only real way of determining the quality of a service is to experience it in person. Maybe you could exclude obvious things like old or photoshopped pics, but even that exists on a scale, and would likely lead to bickering.


The idea of a free adsite with full access is promising, and there are plenty around. If the site is well administrated and there is a promise never to monetise the project, you could grow quite well within a few years. What you are up against the passivity of brand loyalty to paysites.


Taking business away from the current brands will be a fairly easy task with a bunch of dedicated escorts working on the project. I've been thinking through strategies that would make it a full sweep of the market within 6-12 months. The current sites will not match what it is coming up against and when they realise what they are up against they will already be too late to the party and have lost their so called "loyalists".


The escort game may stay the same but innovation and taking the escorting industry into 21st century standards is something that's not done. Every website currently out there is out of touch and so focused on ways to create revenue using the same old tried and tested methods and too scared to take a step outside their comfort zone that they will not be able to compete.


Good intention, but I think the competition are more professional than you give them credit for. You can post a very detailed ad for free on a lot of major adsites nowadays, and there is a lot of competition. You may find it challenging to establish a system whereby adequate administrative labour (and ongoing development) - i.e. keeping your content present and high quality can be financed so cheaply. Major participants may feel that they are being short changed, and lose interest.


Hi Dylan,


Great concept and I'm impressed that you're consulting escorts.


I filled in your survey.


If you're including internal messaging on the site, please add push notifications for every message received either to a mobile app or by email. It's annoying to come home to a string of gaydar and gayromeo messages, received many hours ago, asking "are you free now?"


There was something similar a few years ago called escortbook that used the site build approach and seemed like it wanted to be a social network but it doesn't seem to have taken off.


The social network or similar sites that do take off use a lot of psychology to make themselves addictive. I was just watching this- http://youtu.be/aRkJTEsWBfU 5.inch.Floppy.s02e42.Unethical.Game.Design.. Basically humans will get addictied to anything if there are small, irregularly spaced, frequent rewards with a few bright colours, bells and whistles attached. I don't think it would be unethical to design an escort site with these concepts in mind. At least your users would get a tangible benefit in return for adding content to your site ie they'd get clients and maybe money for pictures, videos and cam sessions. The idea that other escort sites don't seem to bother with is that the notifications for these rewards need to be instant ie pop up on your mobile phone, and they need to feel like a video game power up. That way users will use your site like a game where the gameplay is adding content and making your site better and the rewards are notifications of messages from clients or notifications that you just made money selling a pic or vid.


Good luck!






Thanks for your responses, I loved the video you linked to Oz and found the information very helpful and along with your post gave me a few ideas for what could compliment the features I am already considering/are being considered for the website. 


I feel that this project should be client and escort focused and the need to give the clients and escorts participating rewards that make it worth their while to participate in areas of the project have been considered and we will be providing rewards to people that help with the creation of the website and their continued input.


The whole advisory board is a great way to achieve this in our opinion and we will have the advisory board up before the project is launched and this will be used to steer the project towards it's final goal, the person developing the website is an escort and enthusiast in making this possible. As for concerns around continued updates etc, the site will continued to be updated by our developer. He will be on the advisory board and people will be able to talk to him directly and he will be putting those into practice on the website. He will also after launching the website be updating the website with new features, bug fixes etc on a weekly basis to keep the website in the forefront and to keep people coming back.


It's not our plan to launch the website then stop with the development. As we will have our own in house development team continued development will be possible. People on the advisory board will also be able to stay on after the site is launched and continue investing their time in the continued development on the website with more ideas etc, and the board will continue to shape the project well into the launch and future of the website. The people taking part in this will be rewards for their continued input and support in making the website a better place for both escorts and clients.


I would like to invite Ben and James to have a look at the survey and fill it out if you have the time, as for the Advisory board this is a totally optional thing and people that are invited to take part can decline to and people can contribute as much or as little as they want. The people taking part will be rewarded for their contributions and how much they contribute. This is to keep it fair in a way, the more you contribute, debate about features etc the more you will be rewarded for your time investment.


I hope I have cleared up a few things in the post and I look forward to hearing back with more input from people and getting the ball rolling on the advisory board. We want to have the site launched around April/May. In time for the summer. If anyone has any concerns about the project or unsure about anything please do not hesitate to ask the questions as I will happily answer any and all questions. We want the project to be as transparent as possible as this project is about rewarding escorts and clients with an amazing website. 


I have just sent this as a private msge to quite a few of the more 'active' members here.

Heartened that this exciting new initiative has generated some quite interesting responses - I so hope that Dylan & his husband ( lol not seen that word used very often on this forum! ) will get an ACTIVE advisory panel.

For years I have been hoping for something like this!!!


'An appeal to professional escorts that care & want to make a difference!'


I am sending you this private msge to alert you as someone who has made a very positive contribution to the forum & seems to understand the industry well.

Dylan Moore on this forum is helping along with his male partner & others to create a very exciting new website - they both have exceptional skills on website development but also know OUR industry really well, they intend to create a site which will be unique on many levels and have some exceptional features for example input from and the participation of clients, a Kite mark system for escorts, and hopefully porn movies made by escorts of escorts.

Anyway do check out this thread, please also complete the survey and do volunteer to be part of the advisory team. They want escorts that are professional in approach and care to be integral to the evolution of the new site, and that is the reason I have made contact with you, so please take this as a great compliment.


Michael 0790 356 7922 - 0207 732 4509 & sleazymichael@gmail.com


PS This was my recent response via the forum, and do check out some of the others. ( see earlier response here ) 


Also IF you are aware of other escorts - maybe they do not have membership here, but care please share details.


I'll fill out the survey in a moment.

What I'm about to say won't come across well no matter how I put it, so I'll just say it. Quite a few of my clients have commented that one factor they considered when choosing me is that my profiles are written in good, more-or-less correct English. Based on your posts above, your English may need a tiny amount of polishing if it's what will be greeting clients. 

Anyway it's an interesting idea, although good ideas don't always succeed. Your business plan will be the key but I warn you, if you intend to do the business plan by committee you'll have a hard task. The plan should be owned by one person and maybe just reviewed by others. Too many cooks...


Hija Top Guy - well I am struggling to find 'in-correct' English - Dylan has excellent command of our language - well that is my view.

You seem to have missed an important point - Dylan wants to create an ADVISORY board - not a committee - and be mindful that the finished product will be quality - but I do agree totally that some escorts where English is not the first language need to get their act together - but that goes for others! 

If you feel you can contribute in a POSITIVE way please offer to join the team!

I have seen some sites run by escorts - no names mentioned here - that are awful - but knowing Dylan & his partner I am confident that they are going to create something that will finally revolutionize our industry.
We don't want cynics - not suggesting you are - there are plenty of previous topics shared here where members myself included have sounded off about the shortcomings of so many sites - well NOW is OUR opportunity to make it better - we ALL know it can be done better.

WE need to take control.




Thanks for your responses as always guys all input is greatly appreciated. 


TopGuy, thanks for your response and it doesn't come across as negative to myself - The reason we want this to be a community effort is so that things like language errors etc can be corrected. Near enough everything will be put in front of the advisory board before being put into effect on the final website. This includes things as simple as the text on the page welcoming the escorts to the website, as we want the website to be as professional as possible and for the site to be written in clear, well written english.


Thanks again for your continued support Michael, this is finally our chance as a group of professional sex workers to revolutionize our industry. For too long have corporate companies out of touch with the sex work world been profiting from us and not giving back to us in positive ways and investing back into the industry. We want to change that, we want to have a place where not only escorts have given insight but also masseurs, etc as well as clients. It will be a place that in developed in accordance to what we really need and not what will make the most money, that is certainly not what this is about. 


We want to take the future of our industry out of the hands of people that don't really know what it's like or what it should be like for us. We want to make the future a place that is professional, caters to our end users the way they want it and help people make the most of their careers. This can only be done with the support of the community and people that are truly passionate about their work and improving on existing solutions and providing what can be seen as a place that meets their needs.


Hija Top Guy - well I am struggling to find 'in-correct' English - Dylan has excellent command of our language - well that is my view.

You seem to have missed an important point - Dylan wants to create an ADVISORY board - not a committee - and be mindful that the finished product will be quality - but I do agree totally that some escorts where English is not the first language need to get their act together - but that goes for others! 

If you feel you can contribute in a POSITIVE way please offer to join the team!

I have seen some sites run by escorts - no names mentioned here - that are awful - but knowing Dylan & his partner I am confident that they are going to create something that will finally revolutionize our industry.

We don't want cynics - not suggesting you are - there are plenty of previous topics shared here where members myself included have sounded off about the shortcomings of so many sites - well NOW is OUR opportunity to make it better - we ALL know it can be done better.

WE need to take control.



Thanks Michael

Please take my post in the way it was intended which was, most definitely, constructive. My English is not perfect but it's probably better than average. I write official documentation for a living - although that means very little as many official documents are appallingly written. I'm no grammar nazi but some are, and those who are could be put off. Although, having said that, DylanMoore's posts are nearly perfect which is pretty good for a quick post on a chat forum.

I write business cases for a living and I know the work involved can be enormous so I'm not so keen to be involved, as I have enough on my plate already. Besides, in my experience I doubt anyone will appreciate being told how they should be doing these things - people have their own ways and they're often adequate. I do them the way I've been trained to, which is long and detailed and labour intensive and doing them any other way just wouldn't work for me. So I'll pass. But I hope this works out, as it sounds promising. 


Point taken - Dylan is fast approaching his target of ten for the board - I am delighted.


Just wanted to let everyone know that the Advisory Board is now up and running and several people have been invited to be involved. We are still looking for more members and will be inviting people throughout the development process. If you are interested in joining there is still plenty of time for you to do so, just complete the survey in the first post so that we can get an idea of who you are and your views. There is a section in the survey that allows you to apply to the Advisory Board.


IF you really care about wanting to help create what could be a site that will revolutionize our industry - REMOVE your cynical 'yet another escort run site' hat - complete the survey - join the board - I know Dylan & his partner on a social level - they are very focused - experienced & know web development at an exceptional level.

  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the late response to this - I got a message from Michael - Cheers man. 


Yeah, great idea, count me in. Keep me posted. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the late response to this - I got a message from Michael - Cheers man. 


Yeah, great idea, count me in. Keep me posted. 

You need to complete the survey - contact dylan as I advised in the private msge I sent you

  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Hey guys,

I have been very quiet on this subject for a very long time, I would like to assure people that this is still being worked on and we are hoping for a release later this year. We underestimated how much work we were going to have to put into it, as we are aiming to create something more substantial and worth using.

  • 2 years later...


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