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User Engagement - Too Few Responses to Posts


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I am surprised more responses have not been made here.


Dont be surprise no more mate.. It seems most people on here are quiet selfish and can't be bothered replying to a thread, I had the same issue with the only thread I started which was my Welcome thread 2 months ago ? No one "Hello" nuttin for weeks on end until last night when I got ONE reply lol What a joke nevertheless I thanked him as this was an helpful post he made. 


Sadly I would not recommend this forum to anyone I know. Take care.

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Dont be surprise no more mate.. It seems most people on here are quiet selfish and can't be bothered replying to a thread, I had the same issue with the only thread I started which was my Welcome thread 2 months ago ? No one "Hello" nuttin for weeks on end until last night when I got ONE reply lol What a joke nevertheless I thanked him as this was an helpful post he made. 


Sadly I would not recommend this forum to anyone I know. Take care.

I would recommend this site and regularly do.  

Even if someone joined and and never started or posted on a thread they would still have access to a wealth of information and advice.


Over the years, I've started a couple of threads that no-one has responded to.  It happens.  


The thread that you started and that you said "no one had the decency to respond to" was about working in different cities across Europe.  I'm guessing most guys on here are like me, in that we work in one city, maybe travel a little locally, possibly nationally, but have very little to no experience of international work.  That's probably why no one responded for so long.

As to why no one just replied to your thread with an "Hello"? Not sure about anyone else, but I wouldn't do that, just seems a bit daft.


In the two months you've been on the site, how many threads have you replied to?  Other than to slag off the site.

The site can be quite quiet, but it's actually been reasonably busy in the past two months.  Maybe you should join in and build relationships that way.

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I have found this site very helpful. There is a lot of useful messages to be read for newcomers. Perhaps it is not as busy as other forums but that will mainly be because this forum is exclusive for escorts and there are not that many escorts.

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On 6/29/2015 at 8:11 AM, xxxAlexxx said:

It seems most people on here are quiet selfish and can't be bothered replying to a thread

I'd be happy to see more people post and engage with the content on here but not everyone is that way inclined. I certainly don't wish to force people to post if they aren't confident about joining in.

There's also no point in people replying to posts unless they have something useful to add. Due to our location, this site is quite UK centric and very few escorts travel around Europe the same way that you do. I can't offer suggestions as to whether Amsterdam or Austria are good to work in as I've never worked in either (not as an escort anyway).

Over time, hopefully escorts will recommend this forum to their working friends and it will organically grow to the point that more guys can offer relevant advice based on their own experiences.

As long as escorts benefit from the content, even if only by consuming it, then it's served its purpose and helped someone out. Just "lurking" is fine by me.

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