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Documentaries And Interviews

Ben Manchester

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Two people have been in touch, looking for escorts who would be happy to be interviewed for radio or TV.


Gaydio is looking for escorts with good and bad experiences of directories and agencies, independent work and street work for a documentary they’re making on sex worker safety.

If interested, please contact Sam Barclay on sam@ukhotjocks.com

Channel 4 / Title Role

Title Role have been asked by Channel 4 to develop a one hour documentary on Male Escorting and they plan to focus on the Manchester scene.

David at Title Role is keen to learn what it’s like to be a male escort in Manchester and the reasons for doing so. What’s the pros and cons? What are the customers like and the range of services offered, etc.

Initially, he’s just looking to have a confidential chat and may be contacted on davidkavanagh@titlerole.co.uk or 0161 834 2000.

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