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Survey For Clients Of Internet Based Sex Workers

Guest GayMassageGlw

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Guest GayMassageGlw

Hi guys

I posted earlier in the year about a research project I'm involved in called Beyond the Gaze, which is looking at Internet based sex work in the UK.  The project is run between the Universities of Leicester and Strathclyde.  It is a 3 year project and is the largest study to date of the online sex industry in the UK so we are hoping that it will have real impact and influence on sex work law and policy. 

We were doing interviews with sex workers earlier in the year and a number of you did an interview with me.  Huge thanks to those of you that I spoke to, the interviews were all fantastic and we got lots of useful information.  It's important that the experiences of male sex workers are represented in the research so your willingness to get involved is so appreciated.

Another element of the project that we have just launched is an online survey for clients of sex workers.  If any of you feel comfortable doing so it would be great if you could pass the link to your clients and ask them to fill it in.  It is completely anonymous and shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes to complete.  Here is the link to the survey - https://leicester.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/customersbeyondthegaze.

If anyone has suggestions on other places we could post the link that would be seen by clients of male sex workers please let me know.

Also a reminder of our website address, with lots of info about the project - www.beyond-the-gaze.com.  And if you use twitter, follow us! - @BeyondtheGaze

Watch this space as we'll be launching an online survey for sex workers later in the year - I'll post again about that when it's ready.

Any queries or concerns you can drop me an email at stewart.cunningham@strath.ac.uk or respond to this thread.

Thanks a lot,


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